Toronto Star ePaper

TIFF lists top Canuck films

TIFF’s annual Canada’s Top Ten list includes Matt John- son’s “BlackBerry,” the rollick- ing account of the meteoric rise and disastrous demise of the once-ubiquitous gadget.

Also on the list is Toronto au- teur Atom Egoyan’s opera dra- ma “Seven Veils,” about a young director staging a production of “Salome” while confronting her personal demons.

Also on the list are “Hey, Vik- tor!” by Cody Lightning, “The Queen of My Dreams,” by Faw- zia Mirza, “Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person,” by Ariane Louis-Seize, “Kanaval” by Henri Pardo, “Seagrass” by Meredith Hama- Brown, “Solo” by Sophie Du- puis, “Someone Lives Here” by Zack Russell and “Tautuktavuk (What We See)” by Carol Kun- nuk and Lucy Tulugarjuk.





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