Toronto Star ePaper


BY DAVE WILLIS Author: Dave Willis - visit his website at Questions can be sent with a stamped, self-addressed envelope to The New Canadian Bridge c/o Torstar Syndication Services, One Yonge St., Toronto, M5E 1E6

South won the heart ace, unblocked the king-queen of spades and ruffed a heart. The ace of spades drew trump and the deuce of diamonds was continued to the ace as both defenders followed suit. Declarer could then claim twelve tricks, N-S +480.

A club lead would restrict declarer to the contract since three rounds of clubs would earn East a trump promotion.

North's resolve to venture the major suit game was based upon a doubleton since he had declined to raise spades immediately. The offer to play in spades surely revealed strong two-card support.

South elected to pass rather than convert to the minor suit game which would yield thirteen tricks when East begins with a heart.

Success in the major suit game depended upon the jack of spades falling in three rounds.

If a defender owned a trump trick, the game would fail because the defense would be entitled to a trump winner and three club tricks.

North's decision to offer a choice of games was a good plan and had produced a matchpoint top when spades divided 3-3.

No other pair in the field had landed in the major suit game.





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